Manufacturers of Organic Bio Fertilizer



100% organic and residue free products

Emerald is identified and known as manufacturing company in Agriculture product which are 100% organic and residue free products.

EMERALD was established in the year 2010, with a huge vision of improving the quality of farmer’s life, prevent harm & damage caused to the environment and to maintain our biodiversity. Indian environmentalist and Chipko movement leader Sunderlal Bahugunasays “Ecology is permanent economy “Therefore, an urgent strategic approach is needed for the reduction in the use of agrochemicals.

Chemical fertilizer is burden on natural ecosystem which pollutes soil, air and water.It causes negative health effects in humans, wildlifeand cause degradation of natural environment. Chemical Fertilizers applied to the field are drained by rain water to rivers and lakes causing water pollution, leading to the death of aquatic life. Eating healthy food is essential in this COVID-19 pandemic to boost Immunity factor. Organic food produced from organic farming provides high value ofnutrition which enhances the immunity against corona virus.

Nowadays our agriculture has shifted to old-age practice like conservation of agriculture. Organic farming will make big revolution towards protection to the environment & human health. Importance of online services aiming to reach maximum farmers and to provide them 100% organic & residue free inputs with timely service we are launching our E-commerce website. Emerald is on the way to encourage Farmersin our mission of “25% organic “concept. Step by step, inch by inch we want to move together to achieve our final goal of 100% organic farming.

“Smallest changes make the largest impact” the concept of 25 % organic is based on the same principle.Use of 25% emerald organic fertilizer along with the 25 % reduction in chemical fertilizers currently in use can certainly make a difference. The benefits of using emerald’s Bioera N, Bioera P, Bioera K,Vamera instead of using urea,DAP, Potassium makes huge difference.

The bacteria in this product convert the unavailable form of nutrients to the available form for crops and prevent their deficiency.

In the first year, after application of 25 % Emerald’s bio nutrients, the expected damage to the farmer’s can be avoided and the nitrogen fixing, phosphorous and potash dissolving bacteria grow in the soil. This bacteria store nutrients in the soil for the next year. By reducing the use of chemical fertilizers by 25 % again in the second year and applying 50 % of the total organic fertilizers in addition to the stored nutrients already available; we can match the nutrient requirement of crops.

In this way, by the fourth year, we can move towards the sustainable principle of organic farming by avoiding 100% use of chemical fertilizers. Emerald is always with the farmers with its ‘organic’ products in their journey towards sustainable agriculture!

Why we are on
E-commerce platform?

online purchasing mode

Covid-19 & E-commerce
Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards a more online purchasing mode. As people have to stay at home & practice social distancing, many services are unreachable to the farmers.
On the other hand, Emeraldis giving online E-commerce platform to allow connection & communication with our farmers/dealers/distributors.
Now we are able to interact with our customers despite of being physically distant.

Range of productsAgri shop – Biofertilizers, Golden pack, Biofungicide, Biopesticide, decomposers, seed treatment, drip cleaner, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, Larvicides, Virucides, micronutrients.

Eternalera shop – Air Purifying Plants, Medicinal Plants, Gift Plants, Indoor Plants, Ornamental Plants, Flowering Plants, Bonsai,Herbs, Special Plants,Corporate, Landscaping,Fertilizers.


Its more convenient
Farmers/Dealers/Distributorsjust need to visit the website, select a product (eg. golden pack 6 liters liquid form) add it in your shopping cart and pay ( online payment and cash on delivery is available)The product will be delivered to the mentioned destination on time. Is not that simple and tension free!
Another feature of an Emerald e-commerce website is that you can save an item in your ‘wishlist’ and buy it later. Thus, you do not have to go through the procedure of searching the product again as it is already saved in your list. This is why e-commerce websites are so user-friendly.
In case your requested product does not reach you or reaches late, you can make a complaint at the ‘goods return’ section. The required measures will be taken then to ensure you get what you ordered for.

E-commerce website of EmeraldAlso allows customer / farmers to post their comments regarding products and services.

Thus, the team Emeraldgets a feedback. We can use this feedback to improve the services and make them better. We promise to keep in touch with the customers in the long run. Thus, ecommerce development is highly important in today’s competitive environment.


Available for 24 hours in customer service.
Farmers/dealers/distributors get an opportunity to have our products and services available to 24 hours. Since most of the people prefer to shop online due to paucity of time. With the help of an e-commerce website farmers/dealers/distributors can select and buy desired products anytime.

Why you choose us?

100% Organic Products

Emerald with its 100% Organic, residue free agriculture inputs serving humanity since one decade. Our E-commerce website is working for farmers to 24×7 hours in this covid pandemic aiming to reach maximum farmers on single platform.

OurE-commerce website is providing organic fertilizers& Biofertilizersaccording to the crop stages, so that farmers can apply it accurately with best results. Eternal era concept of Indoor medicinal & air purifying plants is need of today’s urban world to connect with nature.

COVID-19 crisis made us aware regarding importance of oxygen for better health, so we are focusing on indoor herbs which purify the air by absorbing toxic gases in the houses. We have tied up with Indian railways for Eternal era project which results in making awareness of indoor plantation in city areas. we are also motivating and helping other companies to start their business in organic products by guiding them, providing raw materials and finished products at affordable prices and helping them in establishing business in their own brands.

Emerald is the 1st company in MAHARASHTRA which is involved in manufacturing of Organic products on MITES, LARVA, VIRUS AND PH CONTROLLING AGENT. Our excellent and dedicated team has striven to incorporate the latest techniques successfully in sectors like Agro, Export, Import, Landscape, Organic Terrace Gardening, Hydroponics,Eternal era, Cultivation, Infrastructure, Management and many more. As we have our own R & D department with highly modified equipment’s this helped us in interfacing the activities for introducing new Organic products in INDIAN market with closure coordination and also to understand all specialized features required by the farmers.

We are increasing awareness among the public regarding organic agriculture by arranging meeting with farmers, Group discussions and through social media like Facebook, twitter, Instagram, youtube, what’s up etc. Emerald is always with the farmers with‘organic‘products in their journey towards sustainable agriculture!

Emerald’s Specializations

  • Agri Input
  • Mission 25% Organic
  • 100% Organic products
  •  Residue free products
  • Eternalera (Air purifying indoor plants and Medicinal plants)
  • Air purifying Landscape
  • Organic (Terrace/Balcony) Medicinal Gardening
  • Hydroponics
  • Export-Import
  • Customer care services
  • Farmers club
  • Awareness regarding environment
  • Quick customer services

Emerald has its own farmer’s club in which we provide facilities to farmers who has membership with us

Here we form group of farmers & give solution to their problems.

Facilities provided to farmer
1) Soil testing.
2) Irrigation techniques.
3) Organic farming with “25 % organic concept”
4)use of organic fertilizers with defined Crop schedule
5) Seeds, disease free varieties of plantlets.
6) Techniques in farm
7) Training for farmers
8) Plant protection & care
9) Horticulture
10) Agriculture& business relationship

Upcoming activities
1) Organic dairy cattle feed products with good nutritional value to get best quality milk.
2) Organic feed supplement to aquarium fish tanks / fish farming to boost immunity & reduce mortality of fish.

Our team is restlessly working to provide timely available services through this E-commerce.

E-commerce has enormous potential to bring changes into lives of people specially farmers.Knowing this potential we want you to join hands with us in this E-Journey!