Manufacturers of Organic Bio Fertilizer

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Emeraldera E-commerce website gives assurance to customers about customer’s privacy. The data provided by the users on our website is safe and secure. It is used for business purpose only.

What information we collect:
1) Name of customer
2) E-mail address
3) Contact number
4) Fax number
5) Demographic information such as pin code / delivery address.
6) Social media connections

How & why we use this information:
Electronic communication is the fast & easy way to connect with our customers. We use your name, contact number, E-mail address, and fax number to inform you regarding your order confirmation & receipt of Payment activity. We use your home/shipping address to deliver product on right place on right time. We have feedback facility where you can give your suggestions or can tell us your view regarding product quality, shipping services. We may use your opinion to improve our product facilities & services. We can send you mail or can send you text messages regarding discount offers, new products and combo pack offers. For internal record keeping.

We are committed to give you assurance about your data safety.
We have followed all primary legal compliance for E-commerce.

  •  Registered a Domain Name in compliance with Trade Mark Law
  • Hosted a domain Name in compliance with International Private Law
  • Uploaded contents to the website in compliance with Copyright Law
  • Enabled online payments in compliance with RBI mandate
  • We have Search Engine Optimization in compliance with Anti Competition Law
  • We have Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer


Our policy to use cookies
Computer Cookies is a small text file that is kept on the computer browser. A computer cookie is sometimes referred to as a browser (internet/web) cookie.

Cookies include –

  • Users preferences
  • Identification of users when they re-visit
  • Track and record browsing activities of user
  • Keeping eye on browsing history

Cookie has its memory so that it identifies its user and responds accordingly.
When farmers/dealer/distributor visit our E-commerce website a cookie is sent by the website to their computer/android phone. This cookie is kept by the computer /android mobile phone of the user in a specialized location of the browser.

Cookies policy includes –

  • Users login details to keep track of their browsing & downloading activities.
  • Cookies monitor the online activities of the users such as their likes, dislikes, viewed/purchased products and visited pages so that they get similar kind of products next time during their browsing activity.
  • We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then data is removed from the system.
  • Monitored information is used to fulfill customers need.
  • Cookies do not access your personal information except data provided by you.


Related websites

  • We don’t have control over incoming pages of related websites which are having similar interest.
  • We are not responsible for the protection of your information uploaded on other websites.


Preventing tracking of cookies-

  • Users can have option of ‘do not track’ as a facility so that the cookies will not track their browsing activity.
  • Users can make settings to not track request.
  • Follow the steps given below to stop tracking activity.
  • Users can install add blocker / anti-tracking extensions on their android phone/computer to secure their privacy.


Precautions while using cookies

  • Users must be careful regarding sharing their personal information
  • Read the terms & conditions very carefully to use cookies then click on ‘I accept’ button.
  • Avoid sending /uploading sensitive information in the feedback or review section.
  • If the user is not sure of the legitimacy of websites, he can decline cookies.