Bioera K – Liquid (1 Liter)

557 Inc. Tax

Potassium is key element in terms of quantitative requirement but present in insoluble form. Bioera K with promising Potassium solublizing bacteria can reach deeper mines of K and solublize K bearing minerals. It is capable of translating unavailable K Into available form for plant uptake. Bioera K can solublize silicate minerals. It helps in production of organic and inorganic acids and Improves chelation and exchange reactions in soil.

Sugarcane, Grapes, Banana, Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Onion, Groundnut, Cotton, Pomegranate, Garlic, Papaya, Mango, Citrus, Tomato, Oil seeds, Wheat, Ginger, Turmeric, Strawberry, Dragon fruit, Water melon, Ber, all cereals, Plantation crops, fibre, Rice, Millets, Coconut, Cashew nut, Ragi, Bajra, Barley, Jowar, Potato,  Cumin, Pulses , Vegetable crops, Tobacco, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Little gourd, Pointed gourd, Grams, Pear, Peach, Plum, Loquat, Almond, Cherry, Musk melon, Jack fruit, Aonla, Bael, Custard apple, Phalsa, Orange, Apricot, Walnut, Pecan nut, Litchi, Arecanut, Lemons, Pine apple, Kiwifruit, Avocado


  • Bioera K is capable of translating unavailable K Into available form for plant uptake
  • Has significant impact on crop yields with 10- 12% increase.
  • Reduces cost of potash fertilizers Application ( 20-25%).
  • Improved Produce quality.
  • Produces growth hormones, encourages root development.
  • It can be used as boon to Organic Agriculture Environment Friendly.


Dose for liquid Bioera K :

  • Soil Application– Mix 500 ml of Bioera KWith well decomposed organic manure and broadcast at time of land preparation or after 30-45 Days in standing crop.
  • Seed Treatment– Soak seeds Recommended for 1 acre in 200 ml of Bioera K, Should be sown within 24 hours of treatment.
  • Seedling Treatment – Solution Prepared by taking 4-5 ml Bioera Kper liter of water, seedlings should be dipped in this solution before 30 minutes of transplanting.
  • Drip/Drenching – Mix 500 ml of Bioera K in 200 liter of water for irrigating 1 acre of land.

COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with all kinds of Bioinoculants. Avoid using with chemical Fertilizers and pesticides

COMPOSITION: Potassium Solubilizing and Mobilizing Bacteria – KSB/KMB , cfu count – 1 x 108 / ml

FORMS: Liquid



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