Rexton 00:00:50 – Spray

386 Inc. Tax


  • Rexton 00:00:50 is a 100% water soluble NPK
  • Designed to supplement nutritional requirement of growing crops.
  • Rexton fertilizer will be dissolved in clean water & applied to crop through drip irrigation.
  • It can be used to all crops.
  • It majorly Required during the fruit stage development.
  • It works for early flowering and fruiting and increases plant yield.
  • Helps the Plant for Environmental & Physiological Stress Resistance.

Sugarcane,  Grapes, Banana, Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Onion, Groundnut, Cotton, Pomegranate, Garlic, Papaya, Mango, Citrus, Tomato, Oil seeds, Wheat, Ginger, Turmeric, Strawberry, Dragon fruit, Water melon, Ber, all cereals, Plantation crops, fibre, Rice, Millets, Coconut, Cashew nut, Ragi, Bajra, Barley, Jowar, Potato, Cumin,  Pulses , Vegetable crops, Tobacco, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Little gourd, Pointed gourd, Grams, Pear, Peach, Plum, Loquat, Almond, Cherry, Musk melon, Jack fruit, Aonla, Bael, Custard apple, Phalsa, Orange, Apricot, Walnut, Pecan nut, Litchi, Arecanut, Lemons, Pine apple, Kiwifruit, Avocado


  • Rexton 00:00:50 helps in improving reproductive and vegetative activities in the plant system.
  • It increases biomass production.
  • Improves the setting of flowers and fruits
  • Enhances quality of product.
  • It supplies K at crop growth stages.
  • It is important in fruit formation, improves quality of seeds & fruit.
  • It affects rapid growth growth in all crops & encourages blooming and root growth.
  • This product is virtually free from chlorine,sodium & other harmful material for crop.


Through drip irrigation ( fertigation only ) : according to soil conditions and crop stage. Refer expert advice before using the product.

DOSE: 1gm/ltr

Mix with all Pesticides & Fungicides.
Don’t mix with copper based products.
Don’t uses with herbicides


Potash as K O 50.00 % Min.
Sulphur as S 17.50 % Min.
Sodium as NaCl ( On dry basis ) 02.00 % Max.
Total chlorides as Cl (On dry basis) 02.50 % Max.
Moisture 01.50 % max.

FORMS: Powder



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