SIDERA – 100% Organic Seed Treatment, FCO Biofertilizer Licences and cost effective. (250 ml)

424 Inc. Tax

SIDERA is efficient stain of Rhizobium bacteria uniquely prepared for seed treatment. Sidera lives in symbiotic association with root nodules of the leguminous crops. It is capable of converting stable atmospheric nitrogen to biologically useful form.

Peas, Beans, Clover, Soybean, Green pea, Lentil, Soybean, Chickpea, Indian bean, Mung bean, Grams, Chickpea chana, Lentil masoor, Black gram, Pigeon pea, Mung, Peas, Kidney beans rajma, Cowpea, Groundnut.

Sugarcane, Grapes, Banana, Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Onion, Groundnut, Cotton, Pomegranate, Garlic, Papaya, Mango, Citrus, Tomato, Oil seeds, Wheat, Ginger, Turmeric, Strawberry, Dragon fruit, Water melon, Ber, all cereals, Plantation crops, fibre, Rice, Millets, Coconut, Cashew nut, Ragi, Bajra, Barley, Jowar, Potato,  Cumin, Pulses , Vegetable crops, Tobacco, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Little gourd, Pointed gourd, Grams, Pear, Peach, Plum, Loquat, Almond, Cherry, Musk melon, Jack fruit, Aonla, Bael, Custard apple, Phalsa, Orange, Apricot, Walnut, Pecan nut, Litchi, Arecanut, Lemons, Pine apple, Kiwifruit, Avocado


  • SIDERA after infecting root nodules convert atmospheric nitrogen to Ammonia.
  • Improves Germination of seeds.
  • It is promising solution for improving Nitrogen availability to plants.
  • Significantly increases yield of crops.
  • Safe and secure for soil and environment.
  • Reduces cost of chemical fertilizers.
  • Long run positive impact on soil fertility.


Seed Treatment

  • Make solution by mixing 250 ml SIDERA in 2-3 Ltr of water for 25-30 Kg seeds.
  • Soak seeds for 30 minutes in above mention solution.
  • Ensure sowing should be done before 24 hours from treatment for best results.

DOSE:  250 ml/ acre

COMPATIBILITY: Compatible with all kinds of Bioinoculants. Avoid using with chemical fertilizers and pesticides for best result.

COMPOSITION: Rhizobium – 1 X 108 cell/ml


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