Zen+ Grade 2 Liquid

233 Inc. Tax


  • Zen+ is Grade II liquid is a micro nutrient used to improve yields and crop quality.
  • It also plays a vital role in crop development.
  • It helps your crops preventing from micro nutrient deficiency, such as yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, or reduced yields.
  • Zen+ supplies liquid micro nutrient fertilisers suitable for any crop. Supports crop production and enzymes needed for healthy & full growth potential of crop.
  • Helps in all stages of plant growth, flower, fruit, and seed development.
  • Maintain ration of Oxygen transfer and respiration in plants Increased yields and product quality

Sugarcane, Grapes, Banana, Brinjal, Chilli, Okra, Onion, Groundnut, Cotton, Pomegranate, Garlic, Papaya, Mango, Citrus, Tomato, Oil seeds, Wheat, Ginger, Turmeric, Strawberry, Dragon fruit, Water melon, Ber, all cereals, Plantation crops, fibre, Rice, Millets, Coconut, Cashew nut, Ragi, Bajra0, Barley, Jowar, Potato,  Cumin, Pulses , Vegetable crops, Tobacco, Bottle gourd, Bitter gourd, Ridge gourd, Sponge gourd, Little gourd, Pointed gourd, Grams, Pear, Peach, Plum, Loquat, Almond, Cherry, Musk melon, Jack fruit, Aonla, Bael, Custard apple, Phalsa, Orange, Apricot, Walnut, Pecan nut, Litchi, Arecanut, Lemons, Pine apple, Kiwifruit, Avocado


  • Zen+ is one of the Unique Micro nutrient which supports plants as their partner for growth.
  • Use of Zen + increases crops healthy growth with maximum flowers & fruits which leads to increase in crop yield.
  • Use of Zen+ more beneficial on those crops which require doses of nitrogen & phosphorus fertilisers.
  • It helps for cell division, flowering & root elongation process.
  • It improves plant growth quality root growth all these directly take part to increase yield of crop.
  • Increases the solubility of potassium which is available in soil. And finally works as a magical product in the terms especially for micro nutrients.

Spraying– Use 2-3 ml/Ltr for best
Drip – 3-4 ml /Ltr water for best results.

COMPATIBILITY: Avoid using with chemical Fertilizers and pesticides.


  • Zn 3%
  • Cu 1%
  • Fe 2.5%
  • Mn 1%
  • B 0.5%
  • Mo – 0.5%

FORM: Liquid



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